You have more to leave your loved ones than just your assets.
Last Word lets you send personal messages and videos to your loved ones after your death. You can even include your will, photos, documents, and anything else your friends and family may need after you're gone.
We believe everyone deserves a Last Word
That's why each basic account includes the following features, free of charge:
Contacts and Messages
Add all the important people in your life, from friends and family to work colleagues
Share private messages or videos with each of your contacts; they won't see anything until after your death
Individual files and photos can be shared with each contact
Choose one or more contacts to be your executor(s); they will inform us of your death and administer your account when you're gone
Your Personal Library
Files and photos on encrypted devices may be lost forever after you're gone - upload what's most important to Last Word so it can be preserved for posterity
Choose which contacts have access to each file, or share files publicly
Securely store account numbers/usernames, so your loved ones will have access to everything they need when you're gone
Upload a digital copy of your will, and include instructions on where to find the original
Your "Forever" Profile
Curate your digital legacy and choose how you are remembered on your Forever profile page; only you can see it for now - it won't be published until after your death
Choose to share with the public, or just your contacts if you prefer
Includes an optional message board so your loved ones can share their own stories and memories of you
Last Word is committed to keeping each profile published for perpetuity, so even your great-great-great-grandchildren can get to know who you were
Unlimited contacts
Unlimited personal messages
Unlmited files/video messages
Files/videos saved for perpetuity
Your "Forever" profile page published for perpetuity
Contact syncing
Automatic file syncing
Digital will and estate planning with live updates
Social media curation/deletion
Live help line
Personal assistance for your loved ones after your death